
Plaster & Sculpture Party, this Sunday!

Come get dirty with us!

Plaster party Sunday, August 25th, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Some of the plaster got knocked down by that amazing rain a couple weeks ago — like, a third of the plaster on the north side of the wall– so we have some re-mudding to do (now with extra lime for extra staying power!), and then a base-coat to apply on the north side of the newly-finished bit of wall.

This work consists of mixing up a special mud recipe, and throwing it at the wall. It’s a ton of fun, and you’ll learn a lot about earthen plastering.

We’re also ready to add some more bas-relief plaster sculpture on the east wall. We’re interested in all sorts of plant, animal, and natural-world related artwork — if you’d like to get in on this, come on down!

A hearty vegetarian lunch will magically appear around 2pm. We’ll send all volunteers home with farm goods.

Come on down and get muddy!