
Kat: new kitties

i still intend to write a photo post about our spiffy new bathroom remodel, and also to write up the continuing progress of the Mahazda house demolition project. but first things first.


meet Tybalt:

and Anactoria:

Tybalt is a 7 year old male orange tabby. He’s gregarious, soft and sweet, and has a very firm sense of entitlement about things like going outside at night, and sleeping on top of my closet.

(note the cat.)

he found himself at the abq East Side animal shelter because he came from a home with “too many cats.” he is a little bit of a brat, but a lot more of a lover, and is taking very well to the farm. he’s been inside every building (except the dog-guarded barn, that I know of). he tells me, he’s a house cat; he belongs in houses. and sheds, greenhouses, trailers, and yurts. also gardens. he’s right at home.

Anactoria is considerably more shy, and i think probably was not allowed outside in her previous life. she is a one year old brown tabby, a tiny long-haired cat. she chose me, at the shelter, staring avidly at me while i interacted with other cats, and then flirting with me when i petted her. she’s cuddly, lively and bouncy, unless she doesn’t know you, in which case she is under the bed. i think enough time will probably gentle that habit out of her.

she and Tybalt are getting along well with one another. and i love waking up in the morning covered in cats. though it does make it pretty hard to want to get out of bed.

