
turkey time!

It’s that time of year again – Sunflower River has farm-fresh turkeys available!

Our birds are cage free heritage birds, rich and juicy and, if we say so ourselves, delicious. We’re raising Narragansetts this year, a beautiful heritage bird with a lovely temperament. Birds range from 6-25 pounds dressed weight, and will cost $8/pound oven-ready, or $7/pound if you come help process. Processing will be on November 20th, from 7am-noon; we’ll schedule the details when you reserve a bird. To reserve your bird, email us at A $20 deposit holds your bird and is deducted from the final cost. It also helps us pay for feed, as they eat quite a bit as they get big!

We do not do a winter processing, so if you are interested in buying a turkey for the winter holiday of your choice, you are welcome to do so now and then freeze it for later.