Off Topic: we’re hosting SJ Tucker in 3 weeks!

I am delighted to announce that SJ Tucker, aka Skinny White Chick, will be performing two concerts in New Mexico this month! I am extremely excited about this. :)

Her work is lyrical, powerful and evocative. Those of you who know me know I do not speak lightly when I say someone is a poetically brilliant lyricist—which SJ is. You can listen to her work at , and if you’re not yet familiar with her, I *highly* reccomend checking out her work! SJ is an awesome singer, with a powerful voice, superb lyrics, and beautiful music. The glowing reviews on her webpage (and in Bob’s Metaphysical Music column in the InnerConnexion!) are *fully* justified. I cannot speak highly enough of her music.

Santa Fe:

Thursday, January 28th
SJ will be performing with local pagan singer Celia
at WildMaker Arts & Music School
1235A Siler Rd, Santa Fe
show starts at 8pm
$6-15 sliding scale donation requested


Saturday, January 30th
at our sister community, (RSVP for directions)
Gather at 6pm
potluck social to follow the concert, please bring a dish to share
$6-15 sliding scale donation requested

and for those who may be interested:

Kevin Wiley of Fire & Strings,, will be offering a Fire Spinning class, using poi and fire staff, at Sunflower River, Saturday, January 30th. The workshop starts at 11 a.m., goes through the afternoon, and will focus on beginning poi and staff spinning. Intermediate and advanced spinners are also welcome to attend! The workshop cost is $40, and equipment will be available for purchase as well. RSVPs are strongly reccomended, as spots are limited, and this class will fill up fast.

Hope to see you there! Please RSVP to me for directions to Johnny’s Garden or Sunflower River.